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Y Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Many people arounf me are getting their acceptance letters. I'm so proud and happy for them, seriously. However, at the same time i have this mixed feelings. Worried? I'm not sure. I guess I'm just losing my confidence. Letters waiting for me in the mailbox? Maybe. SIM? Sigh. Just wait and see. I dont mind going there, really. But still, it's just the feeling of inferior to your friends in the local U.

Although I'm getting this kinda sucky result for the 'A's, I didnt feel as sad as compared to the 'O's. Why? Maybe the friends around me in Sec school get results that are really seriously great as compared to mine. Or maybe I really gave all I've got for the 'A's so I didnt feel as much regret? Or maybe.. just maybe I think that studies and good results ain't everything? Idk. At least what really matters is that I didnt feel as sad now :)

Congrats to all my friends who got accepted! Haha! :D

its pink :D
5:51 PM

Y Thursday, April 07, 2011

Went to E-le da shang with Celine and Chong Min last Saturday. I forgot to bring my EZlink card, had to borrow CM's one. Haiz. Anyway the concert is so darn AWESOME, especially when i remembered to bring my binoculors along! Celine's p5 cousin came also. We bought bottled drink before going to the Stadium. The ppl there didnt allow us to bring bottled drinks in! Bleahhhh!!!! In the end I drank up about 7/8 of a whole new bottle of sports drink and that's like bigger than normal bottled drinks within second. Pro or pro! Xiao gui looks so CUTE! Ella looks super PRETTY! Kit Chan's and Huang Jing Lun's voice are so soothing. They also had a section where the students from that dance school danced to a string of KPop songs, very nice! After the concert, we tried to send Celine's cousin home. Tried to get taxi but it's just almost impossible to get any taxi after the concert. While waiting for her to get her tranportation, there were so many vans passing by and im so sure that some of the performers were onboard. There was one van that passed by with another van tailing the first one. The driver of the second van was like shouting to the girls standing beside the road "XIAO GUI!"and the girls beside the road started shouting. LOL. I really wanted to zui che also.. but CM was seriously against the idea. Haha. Everytime when a van pass by and me and Celine will be like 'who do you think is inside?! Wanna chase anot, wanna chase anot?'. CM will be like giving us the -.- face. Haha.. psps must forgive the fangirls behaviour, but seriously had the urge to chase the car :P That aside, waited for half an hour at the taxi stand and gave up. Called her uncle up to pick her up instead. Then we went to Bedok 85 to have supper. Orh lua! Cai tao guay! Satay! Stingray! Yummm... We chatted while eating the superb food. Such a warm feeling, hope that we will meet up soon and meetup more often :) Btw, I hate you blogger cause you dont allow me to have paragraphs, now my post is one big chunk!

its pink :D
1:28 PM

Y Friday, April 01, 2011

It's been eons since i wrote anything here. Maybe i should just continue writing? Oh well, anyway no one's reading it, this shall be my public private blog :) I got a job. But this is really boring, have to face the laptop everday. I dunno, i really feel like doing something that's more interesting? But people here is seriously VERY nice, and the job pays well, at least for a temp staff. I know, I know, people say that jobs require them to run around is very tiring. I recently pulled Viv in but im not sure if im dragging her to hell. I dunno, but i feel like im wasting my life somehow? Or more like my youth. Im 19 but i feel that im super old :\ I dunno. I just feel that ppl have achieve so much when they are 19. Chase my dream maybe? Start taking baby steps to achieve things i want? But my dreams feel so darn far..

its pink :D
10:23 AM

Y Friday, January 14, 2011

Maybe i should come back to blogging..
Recording down things here will be able to help me remember all the happy times and the not so good ones, especially when i have such bad memory.
Im recording down my life.

Today went running with MayLyn.
Omg, it's been so freaking long since i ran.
I miss the feeling of running in school, those torturous conditionings and getting muscle aches everywhere for the next 5 days.
I miss hearing Rebecca and HuiSi saying they wanna drink PangXueJie. Haha.
I miss playing squash with dear QianLing.
Im missing school..
We've always talked about leaving sch asap, but leaving sch will also mean having less time spent with these friends. I MISS THEM SO MUCH.
Regardless of whether it's Pri sch, Sec sch or JC it's always the friends that i miss them so much.
We spent so much time laughing together, sad together, angry together.

Chingu! Bogoshipoyo! Haha..

its pink :D
12:05 AM

Y Wednesday, December 01, 2010

YAY!! As are OVER!
Let's revive this blog :)

its pink :D
8:24 PM

Y Thursday, November 18, 2010


its pink :D
10:31 PM

Y Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Birthday SUPERMAN!!! xDDD
1010 x)

Oh man.. it's the pre-A...
Left 1 more month to the big 'A's and i'm scared.
Sometimes i do wonder why did i choose to do this...

Oh well.. cant be undone.
Happy 31st 1010!!

its pink :D
10:10 PM